Didactical guide “Digital learning with no one left behind”
A didactical handbook on inclusive digital education, available online and as a printable publication, primarily addressed to teachers and parents from secondary schools across Europe.
Online training course for teachers “Strengthening digital readiness giving voice to ALL pupils”
This online training course for teachers is divided into 6 modules:
- Digital Literacy,
- Media Literacy,
- Non-Discriminatory Approach,
- Participation and Empowerment in the Digital Space,
- Digital Teaching and Parental Work.
DigiEdu4All - Digital Literacy Plattform with Toolkits and Lesson Plan Creator
A multilingual Open Education Digital Literacy Platform that provides educators and students with curated information and tools to enhance learning and improve digital literacy across Europe. It contains tools for teachers and students and rich media lessons created by partners and the wider education community.
Evaluation tool for the inclusiveness of digital and blended teaching units based on methodologies consistent with Global Education
A toolkit to evaluate the inclusiveness of digital and blended teaching units based on methodologies consistent with Global Education, composed of a manual for teachers and educators on how to evaluate inclusiveness and a web app “digital glasses” to test the evaluation tools and to foster its application by teachers (beyond the project).
Beyond conceiving, testing and evaluating these tools, the partnership is strongly involved in disseminating the innovative tools among teachers and educators across Europe. An important impact of the project is a deepened knowledge and understanding within the Educational Community about the appeal of an inclusive approach in online education with a critical and caring way of thinking and learning to tackle discriminating patterns, offering tools to sharpen the skills and the attitudes to do so.