Accessibility Tools

Author: Pablo Ruiz

With: Colegio "La Loma" staff

Dates: 10-01-2022 - 24-01-2023

Number of Students: 24

Target Variable Levels

  • Promoting the emotional involvement of students Level 2:
    The lesson plan promotes the recognition of one´s own emotions and how to accept and manage them
  • Creativity in problem solving Level 2:
    The lesson plan shows students good practices related to problem solving

Variable Levels Achieved

  • Promoting the emotional involvement of students Level 2:
    The lesson plan promotes the recognition of one´s own emotions and how to accept and manage them
  • Creativity in problem solving Level 2:
    The lesson plan shows students good practices related to problem solving


Students were able to create their own program, and develope it in school population, proving their own professional skills.

The were some minor issues in the proccess of decision making, that had to be supported by the teacher at some points. In this aspect it was expected to get a more active participation from students, but in the end all the proccess and activities were developed by themselved, with a small guide from the teachers.

Creating their own project and make it happen in real life was an emotional boost for all the participants. They were asked after the project about how they felt with their job, and the valorations were very positive.